Multi-material bioprinting modulating intercellular communication integrated with other manufacturing equipment and processes.

Synopsis of project aims:
- Develop modular platform for safe, precise, repeatable multi-material bioprinting with different cell types and extracellular matrix materials.
- Integrate bioprinting with other manufacturing tools in makerspaces to establish robust abiotic/biotic interfaces (ex: stretchable electronics).
- Develop platform technologies to modulate intercellular communication (mechanical, chemical, electrical) within biofabricated tissues, enabling tuning cell-cell and cell-matrix signaling in 3D space and time (i.e. 4D).
Project Team:
- Seyedeh Ferdows Afghah
- Vera G McCoy
- Jane Bai
- Farrah Ye
- Laura Schwendeman
- Annika Marschner
- Ritu Raman
- Marty Culpepper
- Tolga Durak